最重要的一个运输单证是提单,它是运输业中最基本的业务单证。提单(bill of lading)的作用就是在产品提交给承运人时的交货收据。承运人在收到货物时签提单并将正本留给托运人。所签署的提单正本是托运人证明承运人已接收货物的凭证。提单是一个有约束力的合同,清楚列明了承运人和托运人的责任和义务。地面运输承运人所使用的提单合同基本.上已依法标准化,且其中明确规定了托运人和承运人的责任和义务从而大大简化了运输管理者的工作。
The most important transportation document is the bill of lading, which is the most basic business document in the transportation industry.The bill of lading (bill of lading) is a delivery receipt when the product is submitted to the carrier.The carrier signs the bill of lading upon receiving the goods and leaves the original to the shipper.The original bill of lading signed is the certificate of the shipper proving that the carrier had received the goods.A bill of lading is a binding contract, clearly stating the responsibilities and obligations of the carrier and the shipper.The bill of lading contract used by the ground transport carrier is basic. It has been standardized according to law, and the responsibilities and obligations of the shippers and shippers are clearly stipulated, thus greatly simplifying the work of the transportation manager.
There are two types of bills of lading: token bill of lading and indication bill of lading.The paper of the nominal bill of lading is white, and the consignee's name is clearly recorded in the designated location.The delivery of the carrier to the named consignee is the legal duty of the carrier.But it is not specifically listed in the bill of lading and also does not imply the ownership of the goods.The paper indicating the bill of lading was yellow, and the name of the consignee was not indicated.For example, assuming that a lumber mill in Washington State loaded a batch of splints still unsold into van cars for transportation, it would use a bill of lading to deliver goods to Burlington Northern, which would carry to Chicago.Once a buyer is found, the shipper will email the original bill of lading to the nearest bank to the buyer and. Notify the buyer.The buyer will go to the bank and pay, after which the bank transfers the original bill of lading to the buyer.The buyer went to the railway company with the original bill of lading, which delivered the splint to the buyer.Instructions for bills of lading can also be used by businesses against customers who often delay payment, because the instruction bill of lading guarantees that customers must receive the goods after payment.
According to the specific format of the bill of lading, it can be divided into: full bill of lading, simple bill of lading, and bill of lading printed in advance.A full bill of lading may be either a nominal bill of lading or an indicating bill of lading.The front of the full bill of lading includes some standard information, and the back contains the entire contract between the shipper and the carrier.The text on the back of the document will be very small.Due to the difficulty to read this complete format contract, and given the printing cost to printing the complete contract on all bills of lading, in 1949 railroad and motor transport carriers began adopting bills of lading in simple format.The front of the simple bill of lading is printed with the following statement: " The following services performed will be subject to a uniform domestic notation, and to all the terms and conditions of the bill of lading.”
Another bill of lading is pre-printed, either a full or a simple bill; either a nominal or an indicative bill of lading.In theory, the bill of lading was prepared and issued by the carrier.But in fact, most shippers buy their own bills of lading and pre-print a list of products they deliver regularly.Shipers paid to purchase or print their own documents because they usually prepared them before notifying the carrier.This pre-printed bill of lading can be prepared faster and the likelihood of error is reduced.For example, the shipper can also write about the person's correct classification of goods rather than allow the carrier to decide.
A few shippers have adopted their own bill of lading.But as the bill of lading may otherwise provide some new liability to which the carrier must obey, the carrier may refuse to accept it.Carrier were required to provide the driver with labels on the bill of lading to indicate that their signature only meant they had picked up the goods.
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